Sunday, November 29, 2015

From dirt to doorknob!

Our long adventure in building our dream farmhouse has finally come to fruition. It has been indescribably exciting to watch our house come to life before our eyes. From the first piece of dirt that was moved, to the final screw in the last cabinet knob. We had our hand in almost every decision, and although stressful and exhausting, it was also invigorating and rewarding.

We broke ground in mid June, and thanks to a semi-retired contractor, who discovered he wasn't to fond of retirement, and my father - who worked tirelessly and daily on managing every detail (including countless hours dealing with the county, getting permits, and overseeing all aspects of the job-site...even doing much of the work with his own hands), we managed to complete the entire build by October 31st!

Here are just few of the projects highlights over the 4 month build.

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